Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pre-final exam

Tips and Tricks for MS Word 2000

Bulleted Lists

Create Bullets with Special Bullet Symbols in Word 97/2000

In Microsoft Word 97/2000, you are no longer limited to the bullet symbols listed in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. Instead, you can use almost any symbol for your bullet that is available with the fonts you have installed. To change the bullet character, click in the paragraph you want bulleted, and then click Bullets and Numbering on the Format menu. Select a bullet format, and then click Customize. Under Bullet Character, click the Bullet button. In the Symbol dialog box, select the font that has the symbol you want to use, click the appropriate symbol, and then click OK. Enter any additional information in the Customize Bulleted List dialog box, and then click OK.

Spice Up Documents with Picture Bullets in Word 2000

In Microsoft Word 2000, you can enliven your document or Web page by creating a picture bulleted list. First, select the items you want to add picture bullets to. On the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering, and then click the Bulleted tab. Click Picture, and then click the Pictures tab. Then select and insert the picture bullet you want. For example:


Drawing Tools

Insert a Drawing Object Multiple Times in Office 2000

Have you ever wanted to insert the same drawing object several times in a row in your document, worksheet, or presentation? It's easy. Instead of clicking the drawing object button every time you want to insert the object, you can take advantage of the drawing object button's "sticky" feature.


To view the Drawing toolbar, right-click any toolbar and select Drawing.


To insert a drawing object several times, double-click the drawing object button (such as Rectangle) on the Drawing toolbar. The button stays selected or "sticky."


Insert your drawing object several times by clicking in the appropriate locations.


When you're finished inserting the objects, click the drawing object button again, or press ESC.

You can also turn any of the drawing objects available from the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar into "sticky" drawing object buttons. Simply click the AutoShapes button, point to a category (such as Flowchart), and a submenu of shapes opens up. Drag the move handle at the top of the submenu to create a floating toolbar. Then double-click the drawing object button (such as Flowchart: Process). The button now stays "sticky."

Font Properties

Learn More About Fonts with Microsoft Font Properties Extension

We use different fonts in Microsoft Word 97/2000 all the time without knowing much about each font. Selecting a particular font can influence the look and feel of your Word 97/2000 document. In some cases, it's essential to know more about a font before using it. For example, before embedding a TrueType font to make it easy to share a document, you need to know whether embedding is permitted by the font vendor.

Microsoft Windows® comes with basic font information, such as the type file name, location, and size. You can get more information by downloading the Font properties extension available at the the Microsoft Typography web site at http://www.microsoft.com/typography/. The Font properties extension adds additional tabs to the font properties dialog box. The information includes descriptions of each font, features, links to the font vendors and font designers, legal information (ownership, copyright, trademark, license, and embedding permissions), and some technical information.

To view font properties in Windows


In Control Panel, double-click the Fonts icon.


Right-click a font name, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.


Apply Text and Graphics Formatting Multiple Times in Office 2000

Have you ever wanted to make several non-sequential words stand out by using a special font in your document? Or have you ever wanted to change certain solid lines to dotted lines in graphics created with the drawing tools? If you've ever wanted to apply the same format to items in different locations in a file, you might not realize how easy it is. Instead of clicking the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar every time that you want to apply the new format, you can take advantage of the button's "sticky" feature.


Select the item whose format you would like to copy.


To copy the selected format to several items, double-click the Format Painter button. The button stays selected, or "sticky."


Select the text or graphic where you want to apply the new format.


When you're finished applying the format, click the Format Painter button again or press ESC.

Note: Applying text and graphics formatting multiple times does not work between programs. For example, you cannot apply formatting from Word to PowerPoint®.


Speed Up Scrolling by Hiding Graphics in Word 2000

Have you ever scrolled through a document with a lot of graphics in it? You may have noticed that it takes more time than if the document had no graphics. This is because loading and displaying graphics requires additional memory. To speed up scrolling, just hide your document's graphics.


On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the View tab.


To hide clip art or imported graphics, select the Picture placeholders check box under Show. Word displays only an outline of the graphic.


To hide graphics created with the drawing tools if you are in print layout or Web layout view, clear the Drawings check box under Print and Web Layout options. Word does not display the graphic or an outline. (In normal or outline view, graphics created with the drawing tools are not displayed.)

Note: Word will apply these settings to all your documents. If you'd like to display graphics in a different document, you must restore the default settings.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Useful Shortcut Keys in Word 2000

Do you find that using the keyboard is sometimes quicker than using your mouse? Shortcut keys can help you bypass menus and carry out commands directly. You can use shortcut keys in many ways with Word, from accessing commands and toolbar buttons to repeating your last action. Shortcut keys are sometimes listed next to the command name on Word menus. For example, on the Edit menu, the Find command lists the shortcut CTRL+F.


Apply Web Style Formatting to Word 2000 Tables

You can format tables for Web pages any way you want to, or leave the format as it is when the table is initially created. To get a "Web look," you can apply one of the new Web style formats. To automatically apply the formatting you want, click Table AutoFormat on the Table menu, and then click the format you want in the Formats box.


Use the Draw Table Tool to Create Complex Tables in Word 97/2000

It's easy to create complex tables with different numbers of columns in some rows or a different number of rows in some columns by using the Draw Table tool on the Table menu in Word 97/2000. Just click the Draw Table tool and draw a table directly on your document, the same way you'd draw a table on paper. To make changes, use the Eraser tool (Tables and Borders toolbar) to erase a line or row just as if you were using an eraser on paper.


Copy Styles Between Two Documents or Templates in Word 97/2000

If you created a style, an AutoText entry, a toolbar, or a macro in a Microsoft Word 97/2000 document or template that you want to use in another document or template, you can easily copy it. Just click Templates and Add-Ins on the Tools menu, click Organizer, and then select the appropriate tab. In the In DocumentName box, close the document or template if necessary, and then open the file from which you want to copy an item. Do the same thing in the To TemplateName box, only open the document or template to which you want to copy an item. In the In DocumentName box, scroll down until you find the item you want to copy, click the item, and then click the Copy button. The item is added to the other document or template.


Keep Words on the Same Line in Word 97/2000

When you type a proper name such as "John Smith" near the end of a line in Word 97/2000, Word may separate the words, putting "John" at the end of one line, and "Smith" at the beginning of the next line. To keep words together on the same line, insert a nonbreaking space between them. For example, type John, enter a nonbreaking space by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR, and then type Smith.

Use Click and Type to Work Where You Want to in Word 2000

Use Click and Type in Microsoft Word 2000 to quickly insert text in a blank area of a page - without entering tabs or pressing ENTER to place the cursor where you want to start working. You must work in either print layout view or Web layout view to use Click and Type. In either view, move the I-beam pointer around the page and double-click where you want to insert text. As you move the pointer around the page, the Click and Type pointer shape indicates the formatting style that will be applied in different areas. For example, depending on where you double-click, the formatting styles might be Align Left, Center, or Align Right.


MS Excel Tips

Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet component of the Office suite. An Excel spreadsheet is the electronic equivalent of an accountant’s worksheet. Use it to enter numbers by columns and rows, as in a budget, where the columns might represent months and the rows, line items for income and expenses. Then let Excel add up the numbers by columns and rows.

But that's only the beginning. Suppose you need to revise your figures. No problem. Re-enter them, and Excel will re-do the calculations automatically.

And there’s more. Excel lets you change the width of the columns and the height of the rows, make text wrap in cells, change text fonts and colors, add borders and lines, and even change the color of the cells, to produce an attractive document.

All of this makes Excel ideal for such business applications as budgets, transaction records, accounts payable, accounts receivable, or inventory control, just to name a few. In addition, Excel does many types of calculations that are useful to scientists and engineers. Or you can use it at home to keep track of your household income and expenditures.

But Excel is about more than just row and column arithmetic.

An Excel worksheet is part of a workbook file. Worksheets can be linked, and so can workbooks. This means that data from many worksheets can be rolled up to summary sheets, and data from many workbooks can be rolled up to summary workbooks.

Automatic recalculation and linking across worksheets and workbooks make Excel a powerful tool for data modeling. In a set of linked workbooks, you can change input values to see how different inputs produce different results. Then you can present your results either as numerical data or in a chart.

You can create attractive charts based on your data. You can choose from many different chart types, including the popular column, bar, line, and pie, in both two and three dimensions. And, of course, you can paste the charts you create in Excel into Word documents or PowerPoint presentations.

Excel also shares many features with database management systems such as Access. You enter data in an Excel worksheet by columns and rows, just as you do in a data table in Access. So you can keep names and addresses, employee records, or client lists in Excel. Then you can sort your data, filter it to display only the rows that match specific criteria, or cross-tabulate it in a pivot table.

These database-management features in Excel lead many to use it as a "front end," or user interface, for a database.

Others use it as a platform for building sophisticated, powerful applications. Excel was the first program to implement Visual Basic for Applications, the macro language that is now supported by all members of the Microsoft Office family.

MS PowerPoint Tips and Tricks - Making Presentations Easy

Getting Started and Basic Usage

Obtaining Help and Learning PowerPoint

You can get Help about an item in the PowerPoint window. Click the Help button on the Standard toolbar, and then click the item. Or, press SHIFT+F1 and then click the item. (Windows™)

You can get Help about an item in the PowerPoint window. Click the Help button on the Standard toolbar, and then click the item. Or, press COMMAND+? and then click the item. (Macintosh®)

You can learn about the basic features and capabilities of PowerPoint through an automatic show. From the Help menu, choose Quick Preview.

In a Help topic, when you click text that has a dotted underline, PowerPoint displays a definition.

You can print a Help topic. From the File menu in the Help window, choose Print Topic.

You can search for Help information by double-clicking the Help button on the Standard toolbar. In the Search box, type a word that describes what you are looking for.

PowerPoint provides Cue Cards to give you step-by-step instructions for common yet sophisticated tasks - for example, adding a logo to every slide. From the Help menu, choose Cue Cards.

You can press F1 during a slide show to view a list of shortcut keys. (Windows)

You can press Help during a slide show to view a list of shortcut keys. (Macintosh)

You can obtain a list of PowerPoint support services. From the Help menu, choose Technical support.

PowerPoint provides Cue Cards to give you step-by-step instructions for common yet sophisticated tasks - for example, adding a logo to every slide. From the Help menu, choose Cue Cards.

Making Suggestions

You can call the Microsoft Wish Line to make suggestions about features you would like to see in PowerPoint. Call (206) 936-WISH or contact your local subsidiary.

Context Sensitive Shortcut Keys

You can display shortcut menus by clicking the right mouse button. (Windows)

You can display shortcut menus by pressing CONTROL and clicking the mouse button. (Macintosh)

Toolbars and Toolbar Buttons

You can specify which toolbars you want displayed in the PowerPoint window. From the View menu, choose Toolbars, and then select the toolbars you want.

You can add buttons to any toolbar. From the Tools menu, choose Customize. Drag any button or command onto a toolbar.

When you remove a button from a toolbar, you are not deleting it. You can find the button by choosing Customize from the Tools menu.

You can remove a button from a toolbar by holding down ALT and dragging the button away from the toolbar. (Windows)

You can remove a button from a toolbar by holding down COMMAND and dragging the button away from the toolbar. (Macintosh)

You can display a menu of toolbars by pointing to a toolbar and clicking the right mouse button. (Windows)

You can display a menu of toolbars by pointing to a toolbar, pressing CONTROL, and clicking the mouse button. (Macintosh)

You can drag toolbar buttons to a new position on a toolbar or to a different toolbar. Hold down ALT and drag the button. To copy buttons, press ALT+CTRL. (Windows)

You can drag toolbar buttons to a new position on a toolbar or to a different toolbar. Hold down COMMAND and drag the button. To copy buttons, press COMMAND+OPTION. (Macintosh)

You can display multiple toolbars in the PowerPoint window. From the View menu, choose Toolbars, and then select the toolbars you want.

You can move a toolbar by clicking between the toolbar buttons and dragging. Return the toolbar to its original position by double-clicking its title bar.

PowerPoint displays the name of a toolbar button when you point to the button. If you do not want to see these ToolTips, choose Toolbars from the View menu, and then clear the Show ToolTips check box.

Status Bar

You can learn about any command on a menu by highlighting the command and reading the text in the status bar at the bottom of the PowerPoint window.

The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the current slide number.

You can switch views by clicking the view buttons at the bottom of the PowerPoint window. Pressing SHIFT as you click a view button takes you to the corresponding master view.

Undoing Edits

You can undo most changes to a presentation by clicking the Undo button on the Standard toolbar. Press the button a second time to redo the action.

You can undo most changes by pressing ALT+BACKSPACE or CTRL+Z. (Windows)

You can undo most changes by pressing COMMAND+Z. (Macintosh)

Dialog Boxes

You can close a dialog box by pressing ESC.

You can cancel a dialog box by pressing ESC.

Navigating between Multiple Applications

You can quickly switch to other open applications by pressing CTRL+ESC to open the Windows Task List dialog box. Or press ALT+TAB until the application you want appears on the screen. (Windows)

You can quickly switch to other open applications by using the Finder. (Macintosh)

If you are a user of Office 4.0 for Windows, you can use the Microsoft Office Manager (MOM) to launch, close, and switch between applications. (Windows).

Navigating in PowerPoint and Using Various Views

You can go to the previous slide by pressing PAGE UP or to the next slide by pressing PAGE DOWN.

You can go to the beginning of the previous slide by pressing ALT+CTRL+PAGE UP. To go to the beginning of the next slide, press ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

You can move from typing slide text to the title of the next slide by pressing CTRL+ENTER. If you are at the end of the presentation, a new slide will be created automatically. (Windows)

You can move from typing slide text to the title of the next slide by pressing OPTION+RETURN. If you are at the end of the presentation, a new slide will be created automatically. (Macintosh)

If you are working on a long presentation, you can use outline view to rearrange slides, move quickly to a particular slide, and get an overview of the entire presentation.

In Outline view, select the Show Formatting button on the outline toolbar to toggle between showing and not showing formatting. By not showing formatting, you may see more of your PowerPoint outline on the screen.

You can select the entire presentation in outline view by choosing Select All from the Edit menu, or by pressing COMMAND+A. (Macintosh)

You can use the ARROW keys to navigate through your slides in Slide Sorter view.

You can double-click a slide miniature in Slide Sorter view to go directly to that slide.

You do not have to wait until all of the slides are drawn in Slide Sorter view to start working in PowerPoint. Just click to begin working.

You can view the title of a slide in Slide Sorter view by pressing ALT and clicking the slide. (Windows)

You can view the title of a slide in Slide Sorter view by pressing COMMAND and clicking the slide. (Macintosh)

Moving Within a Slide

You can go to the beginning of a line of text by pressing HOME. You can go to the end of a line of text by pressing END.

You can move from the title to text by pressing CTRL+ENTER. (Windows)

You can move from the title to text by pressing OPTION+RETURN. (Macintosh)

You can move the insertion point to the previous word by pressing CTRL+LEFT ARROW. To move to the next word, press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW. (Windows)

You can move the insertion point to the previous word by pressing COMMAND+LEFT ARROW. To move to the next word, press COMMAND+RIGHT ARROW. (Macintosh)

You can move the insertion point to the previous paragraph by pressing CTRL+UP ARROW. To move to the next paragraph, press CTRL+DOWN ARROW. (Windows)

You can move the insertion point to the previous paragraph by pressing COMMAND+UP ARROW. To move to the next paragraph, press COMMAND+DOWN ARROW. (Macintosh)

You can start a new line without starting a new paragraph. Press SHIFT+ENTER. (Windows)

You can start a new line without starting a new paragraph. Press SHIFT+RETURN. (Macintosh)

Selecting Text and Graphics

You can select a word by double-clicking it. You can select a sentence by holding down CTRL and clicking the sentence. You can select an entire paragraph by triple-clicking any word in the paragraph. (Windows)

You can select a word by double-clicking it. You can select a sentence by holding down OPTION and clicking the sentence. You can select an entire paragraph by triple-clicking any word in the paragraph. (Macintosh)

PowerPoint selects an entire word as you drag across it. To select text one letter at a time, choose Options from the Tools menu. Clear the Automatic Word Selection check box.

You can select text by holding down SHIFT and pressing an arrow key.

You can quickly select a large block of text with the mouse. Click at the beginning of the text, press SHIFT, and then click at the end of the text.

You can quickly replace text by selecting it and typing.

If you are having trouble selecting an object, use TAB to successively select all the objects until you reach the one you want SHIFT+TAB cycles backward. This can be used to determine if there are any hidden or invisible objects in a given slide.

When working with text, you can press F2 to switch back and forth between a text selection and corresponding graphic object.

You can select a text object without getting an insertion point by pressing SHIFT as you click the text.

Copying and Moving Text and Graphics

You can create a copy of any object by holding down CTRL and then selecting and dragging the object. (Windows)

You can create a copy of any object by holding down OPTION and then selecting and dragging the object. (Macintosh)

You can rearrange bullets on your slides by clicking the bullet and dragging.

Developing and organizing Content

AutoContent Wizard

You can use the AutoContent wizard to help you create a presentation. From the File menu, choose New, and then select the AutoContent wizard.

You can create your own customized presentations and replace the existing AutoContent Wizard presentations. Every AutoContent Wizard presentation is associated with a file name in the wizard subdirectory, for example selling.ppt, general.ppt. Rename the presentation that you wish to use as the "master presentations" to one of the corresponding names and place this file in the wizard directory. Note: You may want to save the original presentations for backup purposes. Your presentation will now become part of the AutoContent Wizard. Since you cannot alter the names of the presentations in the Wizard's dialog box, it is recommended that you use General as the one you modify.

Organizing Presentation Content

If you are working on a long presentation, you can use outline view to rearrange slides, move quickly to a particular slide, and get an overview of the entire presentation.

PowerPoint provides and Outlining Toolbar to make it easy to adjust and view your environment while in the outliner.

You can promote and demote bulleted text in Slide view by positioning the cursor at the beginning of the text and pressing TAB and SHIFT+TAB.

You can collapse or expand individual slides in Outline view by selecting the slides and then clicking the Collapse Selection or Expand Selection button.

PowerPoint allows you to rearrange your ideas easily. Click the bullet on your slide which you want to move and drag.

You can display or hide text in Outline view. Click the Show Titles button to display titles only for your presentation. Click the Show All button to display all text.

Using existing information

Opening Presentations

You can quickly open one of the last presentations you worked on by choosing it from the bottom of the File menu.

You can customize the number of Most Recently Used files displayed in the File menu in the Tools Options menu.

You can drag and drop files from the File Manager onto your PowerPoint slide in Slide view.

You can open files from Harvard Graphics® for DOS 2.3 and 3.0, and Freelance Graphics® for DOS 4.0 and save them as PowerPoint presentations. From the File menu, choose Open. (Windows)

Finding Slides in a Presentation

You can search a presentation for all slides that refer to a particular topic in Slide Sorter view. From the Edit menu, choose Find.

Working with Multiple Presentations

You can quickly arrange all open presentations on the screen. Choose Arrange All from the Window menu. To display a particular presentation, choose it from the Window menu.

You can have several presentations open at the same time. The total number depends on the amount of memory (RAM) your computer has available.

You can easily use information from other presentations. Simply arrange presentations in slide sorter view, select the slides you wish to move in the old presentation, and then drag and drop those slides to the new presentation.

You may copy a slide by holding down CTRL and then selecting and dragging the slide to the new presentation. (Windows)

You may copy a slide by holding down OPTION and then selecting and dragging the slide to the new presentation. (Macintosh)

Leveraging Existing Spreadsheet data or Word Processor documents

You can automatically create a PowerPoint presentation from your Microsoft Word outline. Click the "Present It" toolbar button in Microsoft Word.

To add the Present It button to your Word 6.0 toolbar, perform the following steps:

Go to the Word directory (by default this is Winword).

Go to the Macros subdirectory which is located from the Word directory.
Copy the file convert.dot template from the Macros directory into the Word startup directory.
Start Word 6.0.
Right mouse click on the toolbar in Word.
Present It will be listed as one of the toolbars.
Turn the toolbar on so it appears by clicking next to the title. A check mark will appear next to the name.
Copy the icon onto the standard toolbar by pressing ALT+CTRL while dragging the icon.

You can insert a Microsoft Word outline into a PowerPoint presentation and PowerPoint will automatically create slides. From the Insert menu, choose Slides From Outline.

You can create a Microsoft Word document from your presentation. Click the Report It button on the Standard toolbar in PowerPoint.

You can drag and drop text across Microsoft applications. For example, you can drag text from Microsoft Word into PowerPoint.

You can drag and drop objects from other applications onto your PowerPoint slide in Slide view.

You can insert a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Microsoft Word document into your presentation to display detailed information during a slide show. For more information, choose Cue Cards from the Help menu.

Leveraging Other Graphic Packages

You can open files from Harvard Graphics for DOS 2.3 and 3.0, and Freelance Graphics for DOS 4.0 and save them as PowerPoint presentations. From the File menu, choose Open. (Windows)

Leveraging Existing Pictures, Graphics, Video Clips

You can insert pictures and graphic images from other programs into PowerPoint. From the Insert menu, choose Picture.

You can create and play sound and video files in PowerPoint using MediaPlayer. From the Insert menu, choose Object, and then select Media Clip. (Windows)

You can create and play sound and video files in PowerPoint using QuickTime. From the Insert menu, choose Movie, and then select QuickTime™ movie. (Macintosh)

Performing Drag and Drop

When dragging & dropping PowerPoint slides between presentations or from PowerPoint into other applications, it normally will remove the slides from the source presentation. If you want to copy the slides instead, hold down the CTRL key while drag & dropping. (Windows)

When dragging & dropping PowerPoint slides between presentations or from PowerPoint into other applications, it normally will remove the slides from the source presentation. If you want to copy the slides instead, hold down the OPTION key while drag & dropping. (Macintosh)

You can use drag & drop to create "Linked" objects. Use the CTRL key during the drag operation until you are over the target. Hold down both the CTRL and the SHIFT keys when you drop the object on the target. (Windows)

You can use drag & drop to create "Linked" objects. Use the CTRL key during the drag operation until you are over the target. Hold down both the CTRL and the SHIFT keys when you drop the object on the target. (Macintosh)

Creating and modifying information

Creating New Slides

You can type text into any AutoLayout placeholder. Click the placeholder and begin typing.

You can start typing on a new slide and the text will automatically go into the title placeholder.

If you delete the contents of a placeholder, it reverts to the empty placeholder with the original placeholder instruction text in place.

You can use the Layout button on the status bar to change your slide's AutoLayout at any time without losing your existing work.

You can skip the New Slide dialog by pressing SHIFT when choosing New Slide. PowerPoint will create a new slide using the same layout as the current slide.

You can create new slides without using the New Slide dialog. From the Tools menu, choose Options. You can still access the dialog by pressing SHIFT as you create a new slide.

You can navigate through the slide layouts in the New Slide dialog by using the ARROW keys, or by typing the number (1-21) of the desired layout.

You can create a new slide using the Most Recently Used AutoLayouts by clicking the shift key when pressing the New Slide button. This does not apply to Title Slides.

Drawing Objects in PowerPoint

You can rotate AutoShapes for more shape options. If text is attached to the shape, it rotates as well.

PowerPoint has a Drawing+ toolbar with more advanced drawing tools to complement the Drawing toolbar. From the View menu, choose Toolbars.

You can double-click a button on the Drawing or AutoShapes toolbar, and the tool remains in effect until you click another button or start typing.

The margins around text in AutoShapes can be adjusted by choosing Text Anchor from the Format menu.

You can create an arc that's greater than 45 degrees. Create an arc by selecting the arc tool. Then from the Edit menu choose Edit Arc Object and drag one of the arc handles.

You can customize many of the AutoShapes by dragging the diamond shaped adjustment handle.

You can add text to AutoShapes by simply selecting the shape and typing.

You can resize a line while maintaining its position by pressing SHIFT as you drag.

Working with Graphs

You can rotate your 3-D graphs by clicking an axis and then dragging the axis handle.

The colors in your graphs do not have to be the same colors you use in your presentation. Select the object. From the Tools menu, choose Recolor, and select Only Text and Background Colors.

You can include trend lines in your charts in Microsoft Graph. From the Insert menu, choose Trendline.

You can save custom chart formatting as a user-defined default chart by choosing AutoFormat from the Chart menu in Microsoft Graph.

You can create a combination chart in Microsoft Graph by selecting a series and changing the chart type on that series.

You can highlight a range in your Graph data sheet and tab through only those cells. Press TAB to move through the selection.

You can drag a 2-D column or pie slice of your graph to the size you want. The data sheet will change automatically.

You can drag a pie slice away from the rest of the chart in Microsoft Graph. It's a good way of focusing attention on that particular slice.

Working with Organizational Charts

You can add organization charts to your presentation. Click the Insert Org Chart button on the Standard toolbar.

The colors in your organizational charts do not have to be the same colors you use in your presentation. Select the object. From the Tools menu, choose Recolor, and select Only Text and Background Colors.

Working with Equations

You can insert mathematical equations using Equation Editor. From the Insert menu, choose Object. Select "Microsoft Equation 2.0".

Working With Clip Art and Pictures

You can edit and customize your clip art. For more information, from the Help menu, choose Cue Cards.

You can use ClipArt Gallery to insert clip art, and to organize and retrieve pictures that already exist on your machine. Click the Insert Clip Art button on the Standard toolbar.

When you insert a picture, you can retain the link to its original graphic file. From the Insert menu, choose Picture, and then select the Link to File check box.

Formatting Text

Before you can edit text, you must first select the item you want to modify.

You can quickly apply bold, italic, and other character formatting. Select the text you want to format, and then click the appropriate buttons on the Formatting toolbar.

You can apply or remove bold, italic, or underline formats to selected text by pressing CTRL+B, CTRL+I, or CTRL+U. (Windows)

You can apply or remove bold, italic, or underline formats to selected text by pressing COMMAND+B, COMMAND+I, or COMMAND+U. (Macintosh)

You can copy formatting. Select the text that has the formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar, and then click the text you want to format

You can copy the formatting of selected text multiple times. Double-click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar, and then drag over the text you want to format. To turn off the paintbrush pointer, click the button again.

You can change the word-wrap behavior of text by choosing Text Anchor from the Format menu.

You can change the case of selected text. Press SHIFT+F3 until the text is capitalized the way you want.

You can change the case of selected text. Select the Change Case... command from the Format menu

You can slant, stretch, and shape words with WordArt. From the Insert menu, choose Object, and select Microsoft WordArt 2.0.

Formatting Objects

Before you can edit graphics, you must first select the item you want to modify.

You can copy formatting of a selected object. Select the object that has the formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar, and then click the object you want to format

You can copy the formatting of a selected object multiple times. Double-click the Format Painter button, then click each object you want to format. When you are finished, press ESC.

Working with Multiple Objects

If you have grouped a set of objects and then ungrouped them, you can regroup them without reselecting the objects. From the Draw menu, choose Regroup.

You can group objects together and then move or edit them as one object. Select the objects to group, then from the Draw menu, choose Group.

Aligning Objects

Text can be aligned from the top, middle, or bottom of an object. From the Format menu, choose Text Anchor.

You can center a paragraph by pressing CTRL+E. Press CTRL+J, CTRL+L, or CTRL+R to justify, left-align, or right-align a paragraph. (Windows)

You can center a paragraph by pressing COMMAND+E. Press COMMAND+J, COMMAND+L, or COMMAND+R to justify, left-align, or right-align a paragraph. (Macintosh)

You can temporarily override the Snap to Grid feature by holding down ALT as you draw. (Windows)

You can temporarily override the Snap to Grid feature by holding down OPTION as you draw. (Macintosh)

You can add or delete tab stops by using the ruler. To add a tab stop, click the ruler where you want to set a tab stop. To delete a tab stop, drag it off the ruler.

To line up columns of text or numbers, use tables or tabs. If you align text on-screen by pressing the SPACEBAR, it may not line up when you print.

You can create evenly spaced objects using the Duplicate command. Select an object, then from the Edit menu choose Duplicate. Move the duplicated object to the desired distance, and then choose Duplicate again.

You can adjust the evenly spaced default tabs on the ruler. Just drag one of the default tab markers to its desired location and PowerPoint will adjust the rest.

You can move an object in small increments by selecting the object and pressing an ARROW key. For even finer movements, you can turn off the grid by pressing ALT as you use an ARROW key. This adjustment can be accomplished in high percentage views as well.

You can use a guide to measure the distance from an arbitrary point by holding down CTRL as you drag the guide. To activate the guides, from the View menu, choose Guides. (Windows)

You can use a guide to measure the distance from an arbitrary point by holding down OPTION as you drag the guide. To activate the guides, from the View menu, choose Guides. (Macintosh).

Sizing Objects

You can paste a graphic or OLE object of any kind onto an empty placeholder and that graphic/object will be scaled proportionally to be constrained within the placeholder frame.

You can restore the original size of a resized or reshaped picture by pressing SHIFT and double-clicking a resize handle. This is especially useful when working with imported pictures or with clip art.

To resize an imported graphic and keep its original proportions, drag a corner handle. To resize the graphic and change its proportions, drag a middle handle.

You can crop an imported graphic by selecting Tools crop picture.

Formatting and Embellishing presentations

Presentation Tips

When planning a presentation, allow two to three minutes per slide.

When giving a presentation using overheads, hand movements near the slide are magnified. It's better to place the pointer on the projector than to keep the pointer in your hand.

If you are using overheads, on-screen slide shows or 35mm slides, most audiences cannot read text smaller than 18 points.

Light background colors should be used when producing overhead transparencies.

If you will be producing 35mm slides from your presentation, dark background colors work best on slides.

You can create a graceful finish to your presentation by adding a blank, black slide to the end.

Modifying Presentation Layout and Defaults

You can change the PowerPoint defaults for new objects or text. For more information, choose Cue Cards from the Help menu.

You can put your name, company logo, date, or whatever you want on every slide by placing those objects on the Slide Master. From the View menu, choose Master and then select Slide Master.

You can hide objects from the Slide Master on individual slides. From the Format menu, choose Slide Background, and clear the Display Objects on This Slide check box.

You can change the format for the title and/or text for your entire presentation by changing the title or text format on the Slide Master. From the View menu, choose Master and then select Slide Master.

You can change the type of object in your AutoLayout placeholder. Select the placeholder. From the Insert menu, choose Object.

You can increase or decrease the AutoLayout placeholder area for every slide in your presentation. From the Slide Master, click the Object Area for AutoLayouts and adjust accordingly.

Modifying a Presentation's Look Through Templates

You can apply a new template to a presentation even if you have already applied another template or created slides. From the Format menu, choose Presentation Template. Or choose the Template button on the status bar.

You can apply any PowerPoint presentation as a template. From the Format menu, choose Presentation Template.

Working with Color

You can change the color scheme of a presentation, even after you have applied a template. From the Format menu, choose Slide Color Scheme.

You can apply different color schemes to groups of slides to create color-coded sections in your presentation. From the Format menu, choose Slide Color Scheme.

You can change the color scheme of multiple slides in Slide Sorter view.

You can add shading to the slide background. From the Format menu, choose Slide Background.

You can use a color scheme for your speaker's notes that's different from your slide color scheme. From the View menu, choose Notes. Then from the Format menu, choose Notes Color Scheme.

Use the format painter in slide sorter to automatically pick up color schemes of slides and paint them to other slides.

Applying Transition Effects

You can apply transitions and build effects to multiple slides in Slide Sorter view.

You can click the picture in the Transition dialog to preview the selected transition. From the Tools menu, choose Transition.

You can preview all of your transitions in Slide Sorter view by clicking the transition icon beneath each slide.

You can adjust the speed of your transition. From the Tools menu, choose Transition.

Proofing Text in a Presentation

You can quickly check the spelling of a selected word. Press F7 or click the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar.

You can speed up spell checking by turning off the Always Suggest option. From the Tools menu, choose Options.

You can change the selected text to all caps, lower case, sentence case, or initial caps so you can create a consistent look with bulleted text or titles. Select Change Case... from the Format menu.

You can automatically add or remove periods to bullet point to maintain a consistent look. Select Periods... from the format menu.

Finding and Replacing Text

You can repeat the last Find command by pressing SHIFT+F4. (Windows)

You can repeat the last Find command by pressing COMMAND+F4. (Macintosh)

You can edit a presentation while the Find or Replace dialogs are visible. Click in the presentation window and change the text. To continue the search, choose a button in the dialog box.

Working with others

Maintaining Slide Information

You can display the Summary Info dialog box whenever you save a new document. From the Tools menu, choose Options, and then select Prompt for Summary Info.

You can change a presentation's summary information at any time. From the File menu, choose Summary Info. You can change the title, subject, author, keywords, and comments.

Summary information is extremely helpful when using the File Find File command.

Saving Files

You can save your presentation in PowerPoint 3.0 format. From the File menu, choose Save As. Select PowerPoint 3.0 from the list of available file types.

You can save your TrueType fonts with your presentation to make sure that wherever you go, you have the fonts you need. From the File menu, choose Save As and select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box.

Finding Files

Search the contents of a presentation or use the summary information index to find files from past presentations and those created by others.

Routing and Mailing Presentations for Review

If you have Microsoft mail or a compatible mail program, you can send a presentation to reviewers. From the File menu, choose Add Routing Slip.

If you have Microsoft Mail or a compatible mail program, you can send a PowerPoint presentation to another person. From the File menu, choose Send

Accessing slides on a different platform

Files can be shared seamlessly between PowerPoint versions for Windows operating system and the Macintosh.

You can use the PowerPoint Viewer for Windows to view Macintosh PowerPoint presentations, and the PowerPoint Viewer for Macintosh to view Windows PowerPoint presentations.

Practicing and Preparing


You can find out how long your presentation will take to deliver using the rehearsal feature in PowerPoint. From the View menu, choose Slide Show and select Rehearse New Timings.

Creating Backup Slides and Drilling Down to Another Application

You can create hidden slides to use as backup in your slide show. From the Tools menu, choose Hide Slide.

You can insert a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Microsoft Word document into your presentation to display detailed information during a slide show. For more information, choose Cue Cards from the Help menu.

Presenting Multiple Presentations

You can branch to different PowerPoint presentations during a slide show. For more information, from the Help menu choose Cue Cards. (Windows)

You can embed a PowerPoint slide or presentation into another presentation. Simply drag the selected slide miniature(s) from Slide Sorter view of the source presentation into the Slide view of destination presentation. When dragging and dropping, it will normally remove the slides from the source.

If you want a copy, hold down the CTRL key while dragging and dropping.. (Windows)

If you want a copy, hold down the OPTION key while dragging and dropping.. (Macintosh)

If you are combining several presentations into a single presentation, you can number the slides beginning with a number other than one. From the File menu, choose Slide Setup and use the Number Slides option.

You can view multiple presentations in your slide show by creating a PowerPoint play list. For more information, choose Cue Cards from the Help menu.

Printing and presenting

Page Formatting

You can insert the date, time, or page number in a presentation by choosing Date, Time, or Page Number from the Insert menu.


You can print slides in reverse order. From the File menu, choose Print. In the Slides box, enter the slides to print in reverse order. Ranges can also be entered in reverse order.

You can see what PowerPoint colors will look like on your printer. Simply open PRINTME.PPT and print. (Windows)

You can see what PowerPoint colors will look like on your printer. Simply open Print Me and print. (Macintosh)

Handouts and Notes Pages

You can easily specify options such as page numbering and company logo by using the Pick-A-Look wizard.

Delivering Presentations Electronically

You can erase any on-screen annotations in slide show by pressing E.

You can blank the screen during a slide show by pressing B.

You can activate any OLE object with a mouse click during a slide show. Select the OLE object and from the Tools menu, choose Play Settings.

You can control when sounds and movies launch during a slide show. From the Tools menu, choose Play Settings.

You can view multiple presentations in your slide show by creating a PowerPoint play list. For more information, choose Cue Cards from the Help menu.

You can move to any slide during a slide show by pressing the slide number and then pressing ENTER. (Windows)

You can move to any slide during a slide show by pressing the slide number and then pressing RETURN. (Macintosh)

You can branch to different PowerPoint presentations during a slide show. For more information, from the Help menu choose Cue Cards. (Windows)

You can create a graceful finish to your presentation by adding a blank, black slide to the end.

You can draw horizontal and vertical lines during slide show by pressing SHIFT while you drag the mouse or pen.

You can press F1 during a slide show to view a list of shortcut keys.

You can press Help during a slide show to view a list of shortcut keys. (Macintosh)

Press the H key to show the hidden slide without brining up the asterisk button on the screen.

Viewing Presentations without PowerPoint

You can view PowerPoint presentations on a business trip without installing PowerPoint. Take a copy of the PowerPoint Viewer disk with you to view your presentations.

You can use the PowerPoint Viewer for Windows to view Macintosh-based PowerPoint presentations, and the PowerPoint Viewer for Macintosh to view Windows-based PowerPoint presentations. The viewer may be distributed freely.

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